Monday, March 14, 2011

Twas the Night Before Gotcha Day . . .

Today was the last visit with Angelina where we had to give her back after playing together for an hour . . . tomorrow is Gotcha Day! We are excited, ready and a bit nervous as well. Today we were prepped by our agency about what may happen in the days following gotcha day. They said it is common for a child to cry a lot, have diahrea, and even run a fever. They said it is basically a traumatic event for a child to be removed from the only life she has ever known and to expect her to react accordingly. This, of course, was a bit distressing to hear. It is hard as parents to imagine our daughter going through such stress and trauma, knowing there will probably be little we can do to comfort her, except to help her ride it out. We expect the days following gotcha day will be very hard for our daughter, as she so clearly adores the caregivers who love on her and care for her on a daily basis. Of course, we know that ultimately, it is in her best interest to be with us, as a family, and that she will have a wonderful life full of love and opportunity. But in the very short term, we fear it may be hard on our little one making such an adjustment.

Please keep us - especially Angelina - in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow and the days that follow.

Good night,
Eric & Kathryn


  1. Hope you have a great night sleep, enjoy all the moments and take lots of pictures. Ava didn't have any of the fear or crying. She was an angel and so ready to be loved! The food will be the biggest issue as they only get mushy stuff in the orphange! Can't wait to see pictures!

  2. We too got very lucky with our little boy as as soon as we got to our room with him, it was like he knew....."this is my mommy and daddy and I am now where I am suppose to be" and he adjusted beautifully and is/was just a little love bug!!! Hoping that your little girl adjusts quickly too and realizes she has her family now that will love love love on her for forever!! :) Can't wait to see pictures!

  3. As the mom of three kiddos from Russia the first two adoptions were my sons and they were thrilled to be free, they never looked back. Our youngest and home 2 months was good the first few days then really just was scared and didn't understand this strande new life in fancy hotels. Once we came home she was petrified if I walked out of the room and hated sleeping in her own room. Now 2 1/2 months later she is doing wonderfully! It will be short lived and as you said the baby home is no answer long term for these kids. Because of her situation she has to leave the baby with parents or face a very sad future. Best of Luck & Congratulations!
